Class Prayers

Prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host – by the power of God – cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.

Prayer After Reading Holy Scriptures

Prayer of St. Bede the Venerable

Let me not, O Lord, be puffed up with worldly wisdom, which passes away, but grant me that love which never abates, that I may not choose to know anything among men but Jesus, and him crucified. I pray Thee loving Jesus, that as Thou has graciously given me to drink in with delight the words of Thy knowledge, so, Thou would mercifully grant me to attain one day to Thee, the fountain of all Wisdom and to appear forever before Thy face. Amen.

Bible Study Beatitudes

Blessed are they who come on time and share in the opening hymn and prayer, for they shall prepare their hearts and hear the announcements.

Blessed are they who turn off their cell phones, for they shall not be embarrassed when it rings.

Blessed are they who do their homework and share their answers, for they shall receive wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are they who come to class even when they have not done their lesson, for they shall receive grace and learn from others in the group.

Blessed are they who do not speak in class when they have not done their lesson for they shall be practicing obedience and leaning on the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are they who do not get sidetracked in their discussions, for they shall get through the lesson, giving everyone a chance to share.

Blessed are they who memorize their Scripture verses, for they shall have a lamp for their feet and a light for their path.

Blessed are they who commit some time each day to their study of the Word and to prayer for they shall sit in His presence.

Blessed are they who stay for the BYOLunches, for their hearts will be knit one to another.

Blessed are they who make the effort to attend Seminary Day, for they will be encouraging those who said yes to the Lord, and will be walking on holy ground.

Blessed are they who participate on Sharing Day, for your testimony will glorify the Lord, while building each other in the body of Christ.

Descriptions of Catholic Bible Options

There is no need to purchase a new Bible, but if you are shopping for a new Catholic Bible your options are:

Catholic Study Bible - New American Bible including Revised Psalms and the Revised New Testament, Oxford University Press: Good study Bible with mostly helpful footnotes. Very readable.

Didache Bible - Ignatius Bible Edition: Footnotes and commentaries based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, uses either RSV-CE translation or NABRE.

Douay-Rheims Confraternity Edition (1940s edition): Theologically safe reading written in the classical English. Difficult to find.

The Great Adventure Catholic Bible - RSV/CE2: Designed to match the Great Adventure Timeline, coded to indicate historic periods, includes commentary articles and maps, but not footnotes.

Ignatius Catholic Study Bible - Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition - Ignatius Press: The Ignatius Study Bible is only available in the New Testament.

Jerusalem Bible: Has copious footnotes, but is now getting very hard to find. This Bible is the one used by Mother Angelica and EWTN’s televised Masses.

Navarre Bible; Four Courts Press & Scepter Publishers: Extensive, solid commentary by University of Navarre faculty. Navarre Bible is published in segments of the Old and New Testaments, or by book.

New American Bible with Revised Psalms and NT: The translation used in the American Lectionary.

New American Bible – Revised Edition – St. Joseph Edition: With revised Old Testament as well as Psalms and NT.

Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition (2nd Edition): The translation considered to be the best combination of literal and literary by many Catholic scholars. Available from Ignatius Press, Didache, and Scepter Press.

Please note: In addition to a Bible you will need a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd Edition); USCCB; 2000.